Environmentally Friendly Product and Team Members

The Eco Approach

ICE are committed to keeping the environments in which our clients work as clean and environmentally friendly as possible. With that in mind, we offer Eco cleaning services for your business, reducing the environmental effects of our services, while increasing the cleanliness of your environment. Our Eco-friendly products and Eco cleaning methods accomplish our environmental goals without sacrificing quality. For an environmentally conscious company, the Eco cleaning services offered by ICE make us their top choice.

Eco cleaning is not only about using Eco products; it is a mind-set (See ICE Eco policy). At ICE we consider it our responsibility to not only maintain the good health of our clients, but to increase it by cleaning completely without leaving any chemicals capable of negatively affecting your employees’ health.

ICE are proud to be working together with Leticia Ozawa-Meida (PhD) of the Research Fellow Institute of Energy and Sustainable Development, at De Montfort University in Leicester to study the environmental impact of using and laundering fabric cloths for cleaning as opposed to recycled paper products. For ICE this will confirm the most Eco-friendly way to clean and become our chosen method. For De Montfort University the study will be used as teaching material for their MSc modules.

How Eco Can Affect Your Business

At ICE, we know that not all cleaning products are created equal. We also know that we cannot sacrifice performance. Social consciousness has shifted toward the environment, and this increased demand for Eco products has increased their supply and quality. No longer do we have to choose between an effective product and an Eco one; now they are one in the same and we are happy to make them available to our clients.

What is Eco cleaning?

According to ISSA Eco cleaning means the use of products and services that have a reduced impact on human health and the environment when compared to products or services that serve a similar purpose.

Why is Eco cleaning important?

Vapours given off by traditional cleaning chemicals can be potentially inhaled by cleaning personnel or building occupants. This can result in irritation, triggering asthmatic attacks, and allergies. Fumes exiting the building contribute to the air pollution.

We carefully select UK made, commercial grade cleaning products that meet or exceed the European standard for biodegradability. The ECO cleaning agents we use are free of petrochemicals, phosphates, chlorine, harsh acids, solvents and synthetic fragrances, and are not tested on animals.

Using cleaning products in right proportions to reduce the release of toxic substances into the environment. Using bulk packages instead of individual packages to reduce the amount of waste.

All of our ECO service cleaning products have the Ecolabel stamp of approval – The European Ecolabel distinguish products that meet high standards of both performance and environmental quality. Every product awarded the European Ecolabel must pass rigorous environmental fitness trials, with results verified by an independent body.

Microfibre cleaning cloths — Cleaning with microfibre cloths reduces water usage. Microfibres also outperform traditional dusting methods, like feather dusters, that often just scatter or redistribute dust and dirt.

Vacuum Cleaners — HEPA® (high efficiency particulate air) filters capture tiny particles of dust and allergens that would otherwise be blown back into the air through the vacuums exhaust system. This advanced filtration system traps 99.97% of airborne impurities as small as 0.3 microns — reducing common triggers of asthma and allergies and improving indoor air quality.

Contact us today and see how easy it is to reduce your carbon footprint by switching your cleaning service to ICE ECO Clean as a natural alternative.